Montana Revival Tour, Pastor John Collins: Hope and Trust.
John Collins, Pastor and Evangelist of Love That Cross Ministries brings a message of Hope and Trust in God across the country. John Collins does not water down the Gospel, nor does he compromise the teachings of Christ to accommodate the demands of today's society and expectations.
Pastor John Collins, Evangelist with Love That Cross Ministries and Revival, brings revival across the United States.
Evangelist and Pastor, John Collins is
committed to bring
back God one person and one church at a time. From the beginning of Love
That Cross Ministries and Love That Cross Revival
in Wyoming, Pastor John Collins
continues to preach that all people need to examine where they are in the eyes
of God, and where they stand in their faith in Jesus Christ. Our very salvation depends upon it.
today are faced with the same problems that the Christians of the very
beginning had. Jesus
Christ preached Truth. The apostles
went out through the world of that day and spread the News of the Gospel. As quickly as it was spread, man put in extra
beliefs and rituals, or meanings, words, and expectations that were never
intended by Jesus. As one goes into a church today or watches
the messages of those on television, the
messages of the Holy Bible
are often twisted to suit the individual preaching-whether for personal gain
or personal glory,
it does not communicate
clearly what God and Jesus
Christ intended when it was written. Some have taken it so far as to corrupt Christianity, making being a Christian
despicable instead of the wonderful personal
relationship that you can have with God and with Jesus
Christ. Even seasoned Christians
watch and listen to these preachers
and the watered down messages
are absorbed without the discernment
and understanding that
should be bursting from our hearts as Christians.
Pastor John Collins says:
“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me,
because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, although I was
formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy
because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.”
1 Timothy 1:12-13 (NKJV).
was thankful for the grace
that was bestowed upon him by God
in allowing him to see Jesus
and know the truth.
Paul suffered for the truth
and it is our great benefit
that he did. Paul
set forth to run his race of faith and to gather as many
souls to Christ
as possible in his lifetime with
the opportunities
that God permitted
him. And people
believed, and followed.
the church that sprang up from the efforts of the Apostles of Christ was
soon corrupted
and truth to
tell was corrupted
while they were still alive as John attests to. Men have been given free will and so many
of those men will seek to lift themselves
up by whatever means necessary
in order to obtain
the life, admiration
of others and monetary
rewards that they feel are their due. In all the years
since our Lord
has died on the Cross nothing
has changed and it has led to a falling
away from the church and
a falling away from faith.
are educated now and want scientific
answers to their questions.
Some use this as an excuse to forgo
their faith
and reject
the gospel of Jesus. People don’t have the superstitions that they
once did and can see clearly
that those of previous
generations were duped by
clever people wanting to take advantage
of them. People can look at the televangelists and see slimy
salesmen just doing all that they can to get you to open your wallet and give your hard
earned money to them. The church is
corrupt. The majority
of pastors are thieves and liars
and don’t even believe what they are selling as is evident in the lives that
they are leading. Faith
is failing and Satan is winning too many, just too many souls are perishing because
of this decline
in belief.
Just because the majority is
choosing to live life now and seek happiness and to enjoy everything that this
world has to offer while forgoing faith,
church and the hope of salvation does not mean that you should. Heaven
is real and so
is hell which means that you will end up in one of those places. That is the
truth. Just because the churches have become corrupt and are run by so many
corrupt preachers does not mean that the truth of heaven has gone away or the
truth of hell.
So, what is the answer? The good book is the answer for
today. The Holy Bible KJV or the NKJV is the answer. Your home is your
sanctuary and since you can’t trust those T.V. evangelists or the preachers of
the megachurches or maybe even the pastors of the local churches then trust
yourself and be willing to pick up the Bible and read it. Get to know what God
wants from you, what Jesus wants from you and get to know what sin is and what
sin isn’t. Don’t make excuses and give up on your faith because you see the
greed in the church. That is man’s will to use God for his gain and believe me
they will be judged for doing so and will pay the price. But don’t allow the
corruption of another to drag you along with them into the pits of hell. Take
control of your own life and give that life to God. Do what is right and come
to know the Lord. You don’t need to go to a church to do so. Read your Bible
and trust in the power of prayer. Learn to ask God for a pure heart, a
forgiving heart and a heart full of the truth of the Lord. When the truth of
God is in your heart you will know if a pastor is righteous or not and will
easily be able to find a church that is grounded in faith and will easily be
able to discern if a pastor is off in his message and is geared toward greed or
is skewing the gospel and will be quick to leave that church or you can just keep
your relationship with God simple and worship in your home with your family. It
is up to you to choose how you wish to pursue running the race and fighting the
good fight.
Don’t take the sacrifice of Jesus for granted. Trust in His
work and in the mercy of God.
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker
who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy
2:15 (NKJV).”
We have to be diligent in our journey and race for our lives
in eternity. There is eternity. Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross gives us a
chance to live that eternity with our Father, our Creator, in heaven, instead
of with Satan, the father of sin. What
we do here, now, and how we do it is the recipe for how that journey and race
will end. ALL of us need find the Truth
of Christ and take it into our very hearts.
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